Reflective Practitioners


 Are Non-Directive & Non-Judgemental

Reflective Practitioners encourage your self-awareness or self-understanding, it is a conscious attempt to stand back and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, motivations, reactions and responses to glean a more honest picture of not just how you are behaving, but why.


This will in turn create balance, healing, change, transformation and growth.


Our aim is to help you restore physical and mental wellness so that you can become a better version of yourself. When we can describe what’s going on, and observe how this influences the outcomes we get in life, love and relationships, it becomes possible to gain more control over the emotional blind spots and helps us to stay focused on our goals so we are more likely to achieve them.


Quality Assurance 

As Shape accredited reflective practitioners, who have been qualified though the shape therapy program, our practitioners have regular and mandatory supervision sessions to ensure they are in good Shape and complying to Shape standards, they also  have full access to supervision if any ethical of moral issues arise from client sessions.  


Full Ethical compliance

We are ethically accredited by Shape and your confidentiality is assured, we have a full complaints procedure and should any issues arise they will be reviewed by shape through their complaints procedure a copy of that procedure is available on request.


JustTalk to Us


Our practitioners can help you reflect on the root cause of the emotions causing the anxiety.


JustTalk to any one of us, our mantra is:- At JustTalk we are never judgemental


we tailor your sessions to fit your needs our practitioners will help you follow the feeling.


Relationships are complicated we have specialist practitioners at JustTalk

Be inspired visit our sister site to find beautiful jewellery which will enhance your well being as well as reinforcing your personal mantra
